Case #1: This case involves a 4-year-old patient with Cystic Fibrosis who is followed and seen by several disciplines. He requires a well-air-conditioned environment and a working vehicle for transportation to and from all clinic appointments, as well as general transportation needs. The family’s current transportation needs repairs to the A/C as well as other issues. Given the patient’s illness, not having a well-air-conditioned environment puts them at an increased risk for dehydration.
Total asked: $1,401.69 APPROVED
Case #2: This case involves a five-month-old who was recently diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. This chronic condition requires the patient to be followed monthly and has already been admitted multiple times for multiple week durations. Caregiver utilized all sick leave and short-term disability for maternity only paid portion of income. Caregiver also had to utilize three weeks of unpaid leave for patient admission. This has put the family behind in bills for two months and exhausted their savings. The family is seeking assistance with the following bills: phone/electricity/utilities/cars/mortgage/insurance.
Total asked: $2,605.86 APPROVED