Case #1: This patient is 17 months old and was born at 27 weeks’ gestation and has a complex medical history that includes, but is not limited to, chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, and tracheomalacia. He suffered acute respiratory failure and has been in the hospital for over 50 days. There is no current need for the patient to be hospitalized, but they need a BiPAP machine that requires grounded electrical outlets. The family lives in a rental property that has been deemed too old to be upgraded to grounded outlets, making it incapable of being a home this patient can live in. The patient is not able to be discharged from the hospital until the medical needs are met. The family has identified a rental property that has the correct outlets that will allow them to finally be discharged to this new property with their child. The family is still paying for their current rent home, making it nearly impossible to save enough to pay the first month’s rent deposit and move into the new home. They are requesting $1,295 to pay the first month’s rent, allowing them to move in and reside as a family outside of ACH.
The committee approved the support of 2 month’s rent.
Total asked: $2,590 APPROVED
Case #2: This patient is five months old and was born at 30 weeks gestation and required care in the ACH NICU for three months. Current diagnoses, among others, include hydrocephalus, periventricular leukomalacia, and chronic lung disease requiring oxygen support. The patient was brought to Baby Sharon before requesting payment of a gas bill of $1,719 that was caused by a gas leak. After speaking with the family, the landlord, and the gas company, it was determined that the gas leak came from faulty piping in the home, not from the gas meter. The utility company will only adjust the bill if the leak is coming from the meter. The landlord was also unwilling to assist with the bill even though he is the owner of the property that had the leak. Baby Sharon previously assisted with $850.00 for rent and $200 towards this bill while more information surrounding this situation was gathered. The Social Work Department assisted with another $200 towards this bill. The current amount owed is $1,351.60, and we are requesting the assistance of Baby Sharon for this bill so the family can have gas utilities and hot water again.
The committee approved the request for $1351.60 but asked ACH Social Work to request the Medical Legal team at ACH to contact the homeowner and urge him to pay the full bill as it is the committee’s sense that he is liable to pay this. The Baby Sharon Committee support may be used if this is unsuccessful
Total asked: $1,351.60 APPROVED