Case #1: This is a four-month-old female, born at 26 weeks gestation and transferred due to concern for necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, grave IV brain bleeds, subglottic stenosis, feeding intolerance, and other issues associated with extreme prematurity. She has been hospitalized since birth and remains intubated. Due to her ongoing respiratory failure, she will be hospitalized for several months at least and will potentially need a tracheostomy. The family has two older children at home (12 months old and eight years old) whom they also care for. The father is employed full-time and will continue working, but the mother works for the school district part-time and will not be working over the summer, which will cause more financial strain. They recently had one of their vehicles in need of repairs and are not currently able to finance the repairs, which has caused visitation difficulties due to having to share one vehicle. They continue to make it work but are falling behind financially and could use some assistance to get through this time.
This is a request for three months’ rent.
Total asked: $1,950 APPROVED
Case #2: This is a four-month-old male, born at 38 weeks. At one week old, he was seen in the ACNW NWA cardiology clinic and diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. He underwent surgical repair on 4/22/2022 at three months old. Due to the diagnosis and the requirement of surgery, it has created a financial barrier for the patient’s parents. The mother was unable to return to work when she planned to, and they have been utilizing savings and the income of the father. The mother will return to work, and this will allow the family to maintain their bills. However, they have fallen behind and would benefit from assistance to get through this time.
This is a request for two months’ rent.
Total asked: $2,250 APPROVED