Awarded Cases

baby in critical care at a hospital
Home > January, 2009 – Total Awarded: $3,220

Baby Sharon Committee Meeting On January, 2009 – Total Awarded: $3,220

Case #1: $1500 to be matched by Lander’s Toyota for a car needed by the family of a heart transplant patient in NW, Arkansas, who must make weekly visits to ACH in Little Rock.

Total asked: $1,500 APPROVED

Case #2: For the mother of twins, with one twin not thriving, could move from a house being shared by 13 other people into a Housing Authority home.

Total asked: $720 APPROVED

Case #3: To help pay for a piece of equipment (an IPV) to facilitate breathing for an 18-month-old child suffering from numerous illnesses. The equipment costs $7,000.

Total asked: $1,000 APPROVED