Case #1: The child of a single parent has Type 1 diabetes, and the mother is attending nursing school. The mother moved to a new apartment with her two children after learning that a registered sex offender had moved nearby. Grant was approved to help with the relocation to a safer apartment for the family.
Total asked: $275 APPROVED
Case #2: A 10-month-old baby has been in the NICU at ACH since birth with numerous illnesses. There is also a 12-year-old and a six-year-old in the family. The family moved to Arkansas from Louisiana in order to access appropriate medical care for the newborn. The request was granted to help catch up on rent and the cost of relocating.
Total asked: $500 APPROVED
Case #3: A young girl has some very serious medical conditions and is on PalCare (Palliative Care) for children. She has CP and pulmonary issues. The family shares a van that Dad uses to get to work, and Mom uses to get to nursing school and medical visits. The request was granted for $300 for electrical work in their home to accommodate medical equipment.
Total asked: $300 APPROVED
Case #4: The family of a 16-year-old with numerous medical issues who had a liver transplant in June requested $1,000 to get them current on essential needs. The request was granted.
Total asked: $1,000 APPROVED
Case #5: The child, age 6, has end-stage renal disease, and the family must commute six days a week for treatment so Dad cannot work. They are behind on their rent and are fearful of eviction without help. They requested $1,000 to assist with two month’s rent.
Total asked: $1,000 APPROVED