Awarded Cases

baby in critical care at a hospital
Home > September 28, 2021 – Total Awarded: $2,715.60

Baby Sharon Committee Meeting On September 28, 2021 – Total Awarded: $2,715.60

Case #1: To pay two months of overdue rent to the family of a thirteen-year-old suffering from colitis and other abdominal issues. He has had multiple hospitalizations, causing a single mom to lose her job. There are three people in the home.

Total asked: $1,400 APPROVED

Case #2: To the family of a three-year-old born with caudal regression syndrome and a benign tumor behind her eye, significantly affecting her sight. Because of the disorder, she has underdeveloped hips, legs, and feet. Because of the needs of the child, both parents lost their jobs. The grant will pay four months of rent and unpaid utilities.

Total asked: $874.61 APPROVED

Case #3: To buy a leg compression device to help relieve severe edema. The boy has been a patient at ACH for several years. The degenerative genetic disorder is severe.

Total asked: $440.99 APPROVED