Case #1: This is a 2-year-old with brachial plexus palsy and developmental delays who receives developmental & physical therapies 2-3 times per week and has numerous outpatient appointments at ACH. The patient is the youngest of three minor-aged children, being raised by a single mother. The mother works as a caregiver for Kindred at Home and has had reduced hours due to medical & therapy appointments. The family lives in Lake Village, AR (Chicot County) and recently moved to a safer home, which added an extra one-time expense of a deposit. With the combination of the move, increased gas prices, and decreased hours (thus decreased income), the mom has gotten behind on her electric bill. The request is for support to bring utilities to zero balance.
Total asked: $398.99 APPROVED
Case #2: This is a 4-month-old who was preterm at 23 weeks gestation and was initially in an outside hospital’s NICU since birth on 11/09/2021 and then was transferred to ACH NICU on 12/21/2021 due to an escalated need for care. The patient was a twin, but his twin brother died at one week of life. He has bronchopulmonary dysplasia, MRSA colonization, scar, & ROP. The patient is the youngest of three children and is cared for by a single mother, who lost job when the twins were born and have been struggling with grief and depression. This family lives in North Little Rock, AR (Pulaski County). Their NICU social worker is assisting with SSI and other resource applications for longer-term support. Mom is also looking for employment; however, it is hard with her child in NICU and having another young child to care for as well. She has some limited support from her extended family. This request is for $1100 for two month’s rent, $40.11 – water bill, and $59.48 - electric bill.
Total asked: $1,199.59 APPROVED
Case #3 The Committee granted the following emergency request for $549.88 on 3/1/2022:
Situation: Pt’s first hospitalization at birth in the NICU and ITU lasted 209 days. She had a brief discharge home to the care of her family but was readmitted for another 19-day stay. Then, last week was admitted for complications secondary to the flu. Family is super sweet and has always been very active in pt’s care. The father is the only one working, and the mom stays at home with the kids. There are three older siblings. The family has recently been affected by COVID-19 and the flu. Several siblings and the pt’s father caught COVID-19, which caused him to have to take off work without pay. When the patient was re-admitted to the hospital, Dad had to take off work to care for the other kids. The family is behind on their electric bill and could use some assistance getting it caught up. Pt has a lot of medical equipment (e.g., vent and oxygen machine, among others) that require electricity. Pt is expected to be discharged home soon.
Request: to bring current on Entergy bill that is due March 8th to avoid disconnection.
Total asked: $549.88 APPROVED